Main method in Java is the first
programming method a Java programmer knows when he starts learning Java
programming language. have you ever thought about why main method in
Java is public, static and void, of-course Yes, since most of us first
learn C and C++ than we move to Java in our programming path we familiar with
main method but in Java main method is slightly different it doesn't return any
value like in C it returns int, main method is public static and void
Why? In this post we will try to find answer of these questions and have an
idea of one of the most popular questions in Java why main method is
declared Static.
What is
main method in Java?
Main method in Java is entry point for any core Java program.
Remember we are not talking about Servlet, MIDlet or any other container
managed Java program where life cycle methods are provided to control the
execution. In core Java program, execution starts from main method when you
type java main-class-name, JVM search for public static void
main(String args[]) method in that class and if it doesn't find that
method it throws error NoSuchMethodError:main and terminates.
of main method in Java
Main method has to strictly follow its syntax; other wise JVM will
not be able to locate it and your program will not run. Here is the exact
signature of main method
public static void main(String args[])
This signature is classic signature and there from start of Java
but with introduction of variable argument or varargs in Java5 you
can also declare main method in Java using varargs syntax as shown in below
public static void main(String... args)
Remember varargs version of java main method will only work in
Java 1.5 or later version. Apart from public, static and void there are certain
keywords like final, synchronized and strictfp which are permitted in signature
of java main method.
Why main
method is static in Java
![Description: why main method is public static void in Java](file:///C:/Users/SARITHA/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg)
1. Since main method is static Java virtual Machine can call it
without creating any instance of class which contains main method.
2. Since C and C++ also has similar main method which serves as
entry point for program execution, following that convention will only help
3. If main method were not declared static than JVM has to create
instance of main Class and since constructor can be overloaded and can have
arguments there would not be any certain and consistent way for JVM to
find main method in Java.
4. Anything which is declared in class in Java comes under reference type and requires object to be created
before using them but static method and static data are loaded into separate
memory inside JVM called context which is created when a class is loaded. If
main method is static than it will be loaded in JVM context and are available
to execution.
Why main mehtod is public in Java
Java specifies several access modifiers e.g. private, protected
and public. Any method or variable which is declared public in Java can be
accessible from outside of that class. Since main method is public in
Java, JVM can easily access and execute it.
Why main method is void in Java
Since main method in Java is not supposed to return any value, its
made void which simply means main is not returning anything.
1. Main method must be declared public, static and void in
Java otherwise JVM will not able to run Java program.
2. JVM throws NoSuchMethodException:main if it
doesn't find main method of predefined signature in class which is provided to
Java command. E.g. if you run java Helloworld than JVM will search for public
static void main String args[]) method in HelloWorld.class file.
3. Main method is entry point for any Core Java program. Execution
starts from main method.
4. Main method is run by a special thread called "main" thread
in Java. Your Java program will be running until your
main thread is running or any non-daemon thread spawned from main method is
5. When you see "Exception in Thread main” e.g.
Exception in Thread main: Java.lang.NullPointerException it means Exception is thrown inside main thread.
6. You can declare main method using varargs syntax from Java 1.5
onwards e.g.
public static void
main(String... args)
7. Apart from static, void and public you can use final,
synchronized and strictfp modifier in signature of main method in Java.
8. Main method in Java can be overloaded like any other method in
Java but JVM will only call main method with specified signature specified
9. You can use throws clause in signature of main method and can
throw any checked or unchecked Exception.
10. Static initializer block is executed even before JVM calls main method. They are
executed when a Class is loaded into Memory by JVM.
you have enclosed with lot of innovative informations in your article.i really enjoyed with your informations.
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